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Artist Profile Submission Page

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We would like to thank you for your interest in Face2Face Caricature Entertainment. We are the "One-Click" Online Caricature Company.

Face2Face Caricature provides your customers with an easy to navigate portal for experienced, talented caricature artists.   Whether you create caricatures for publication illustration, event entertainment or custom gift purposes, Face2Face Caricature can introduce you to potential clients worldwide.





Face2Face Entertainment does not guarantee all artists submissions. Selections are based on quality of artwork, experience and reliability. You will be notified if your work is accepted to be represented with Face2 Face Entertainment



Please submit 4 samples drawn in your live digital event approach. We require photos of actual live events where your work is represented with the customer. The photo should be large enough that the client can see your abilities clearly with contrast.




Samples should be in jpg, png or gif format. Max file size for each image is 1 MB.

(Reduce each image  at 72 dpi - approx. 600 pixels high).



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